Fans Love Elton’s New ‘Farewell Yellow Brick Road’ Tour Book

Elton has a knack for giving his fans just what they need at just the right time.
15 months after waving his last tearful goodbye to a Farewell Yellow Brick Road Tour audience (tack, Stockholm!), his lavish, 256-page full-color book celebrating the record-breaking, five-year, globe-spanning tour of 330 shows now sits upon store bookshelves, waiting to fall into the arms of those who may have been going through concert withdrawal. “I’ve seen him before but didn’t get to a Farewell show,” you say? No worries, Elton also reflects upon select past shows in FYBR Tour cities.
Two weeks before the book’s publish date of September 23rd, Elton’s official Rocket Club members began to see the 9”x11” hardcover edition arrive at their doorsteps thanks to an advance sale on We asked some of these avid fans for their reactions to the book and they were happy…nay, ecstatic to share!
Ahhh, such a great picture in the book of Toronto, September 7th, 2022! I, as usual, was in the front row. When I tossed Elton a dozen purple roses, the wonderful look he gave me warmed me to my core. And then, from Toronto, we found ourselves at the very last show at Dodger Stadium. I cried when Elton brought Bernie, David, Zachary and Elijah out on stage. Elton John has been part of my soul for 50 years, since I was 14 years old. He has enhanced my life 100 times over and this book keeps many of the memories safe for me.
Susi Scott

I wasn’t even born at the time of Elton’s first shows in America, so I loved seeing the series of photos David Larkham took from behind the Troubadour stage. I had heard the legendary story of Elton getting hit with a hash pipe thrown by someone in the Greensboro, NC crowd in 1974, but I’d never seen the photos taken of Elton right after. It’s amazing that he was able to go back on stage and finish the show! And the postcards Elton wrote back to the staff at DJM while on his first tours of America in 1970 are a treasure! Signing off as “Elton (I’m so humble) John” made me smile at the sense of humor we fans know and love.
Jeanie Kincer

The book brings back so many memories of the 13 Farewell shows I attended, not to mention the decades of shows I saw prior (dating back to the early 70’s). I love seeing the costumes he wore during the 70’s concerts. Seeing pictures from the FYBR concerts filled a void that has been in my heart since the tour ended. I think what I loved MOST, though, is seeing images of friends I met along the way – their stories being captured (you know who you are!) #UnitedbyElton. Those friendships are something I deeply cherish and am most grateful for.
Bonnie Green

The book gives me such a euphoric feeling when I look at any photo or read an excerpt from any page. My first Elton show was in Houston, TX in 1974. Something magical happened that night. The poster reproductions are a real highlight of the book. I never considered posters until a friend gave me one after a Las Vegas show. I now have a growing collection in my home; they are very special. The book also reminds me of a highlight at the final Dodger Stadium show. Elton looked at my sign and said, “Wow, Jeff’s 185th show – blimey!” It was his last shout-out in America. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I exited that night.
Jeff Young

I’ve seen Elton in concert 179 times all around the world and almost 50 times at Madison Square Garden – my favorite place to see Elton and, as he says in the book, his favorite to play. His shows there during the first half of the Farewell tour were some of the most emotional concerts I’ve ever seen, with Elton breaking down in tears when the applause would not stop. Elton shares wonderful stories in this book of his life on tour and it brought back so many wonderful moments that I remember vividly, because I was there!
Wayne Martin

I’m really enjoying reading about not only the Farewell Tour shows in various cities, but shows in the same cities on past tours. It’s wonderful reading about his love of Watford Football Club. I’ll never forget arriving at Vicarage Road to see his last concert there and thinking back on when Elton went there as a young boy to watch his favourite team play. It was very emotional when he thanked the many local fans who’d come along to that last hurrah. A huge cheer went up when he spoke about his love of the grounds. This is one of the many memories that will live on forever, thanks to this wonderful book!
Kath Murray

I was fortunate to see 8 of those magnificent Farewell Tour shows, and the book’s vivid photographs help me relive those joyful memories, right through my 120th Elton John concert at his Dodger Stadium finale. Seeing the picture of Elton still lifting his right leg over the keys 50 years later helps me vividly recall my favorite moment when EJ put his leg over the keys at MSG and stared right at me with a wink and a smile! My knees buckled. I thought I had seen and heard almost all the pictures and stories of Elton, but no, this book is full of fantastic surprises. There is so much to read and see, it is going take me a good while to go through it all fully!
Lee Illickal

What a beautiful collection of memories this book contains. I love how Elton compares his final shows in some cities to the times he had performed there over the past 50 years. The part of the book that touches me the most is the section about the shutdown due to the pandemic. Elton talks about the challenges he faced during that time and the book tells us what some of us already knew: how resilient and loving Elton is. He made a commitment to his fans and could have chosen not to resume the tour, but his love and compassion for all of us drove him to not let us down! I love how this brings us even closer to his inner thoughts during that difficult time.
Merri Noel